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DNA Hints to My Ancestry
By Himanshu. I never expected to have Irish DNA in me—it was such a surprise! But thinking back, when I was a child, people used to say...

Making an Oral History
When I was about 22, I wanted to know everything about my parents’ lives. I wanted to record stores about them and their parents, so I...

Documenting A Woman’s Devotion
I knew we were going to India. Before we went, I tried to get our friends to work on some family stories and interviews. As I spoke to...

First Trip To the Subcontinent January 2024
Exploring Roots and Cultures: A Journey Through India and Pakistan Our recent trip to India and Pakistan was nothing short of a...

Ron Tells of his Father
I was born in Fiji, with family ties to India on my father's side. This is the story of Mustopher David Richmond, Accountant, explorer,...

Rajesh Finds his Ancestral Village
After many years of searching I found my great, great grandfather's village. It took awhile to find family that had been separated for a...
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