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Rajesh Finds his Ancestral Village

After many years of searching I found my great, great grandfather's village.

It took awhile to find family that had been separated for a hundred years—effort and desire made it a reality. I found my father’s father’s family in a remote Indian village in Uttar Pradesh. I was reunited with second cousins, their grandmother, five nephews and four daughters-in law and eight grand children.

I walked on the land and farm that had been passed down from generation to generation. An older gentleman explained that I was standing on my great, great grandfather’s land. He told me that years ago a bad drought (1876 to1900) and cholera epidemic took many lives and many were starving. My grandfather saved many lives, generously sharing the milk from his hundreds of heads of cattle with the starving villagers.

I am moved to learn of my kin and hope to learn many more stories. I also wish to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps to be an active part of the village. The people in the small village are all closely related and I have plans to teach one of my nephews to document their history and genealogy.

Being a part of a community like GSID can help inspire us all to find and appreciate our roots and hopefully connect one day with long lost family.

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